News Magazines for Christians | Vol. 32, No. 23 | WORLD
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December 9, 2017 | Vol. 32, No. 23

B is for Books

Marvin Olasky | WORLD’s 2017 Books of the Year

Backward advantage

Susan Olasky | Accessible Theology: Living one breath away from the finish line

Conquering job insecurity

Marvin Olasky | Understanding America: The poor do not have to stay poor

To wage a famine

Mindy Belz | Understanding the World: Stalin’s command—to starve millions of Ukrainians

Kings and politics

Sophia Lee | History: The view from the Prophet Samuel’s front-row seat

Fragile philosophy

Marvin Olasky | Origins: Skewering Darwinism’s ‘science of the gaps’

And one we missed ...

Marvin Olasky | Interracial marriage proposals two centuries ago

Adventures in exposition

Marvin Olasky | Series of the Year: Dive into the Bible with the Reformed Expository Commentary

Not invisible

Emily Belz | Medicaid is bloated and ripe for reform, but the disabled who rely on the program worry cuts could target them

The Roy Moore moment

Marvin Olasky | Some hard questions for conservative evangelicals

Designated haters

Juliana Chan Erikson | The Southern Poverty Law Center’s scattershot labeling of ‘hate groups’ leaves many unfairly tarnished


Recent nonfiction books

A walk on the dark side

A look at Sally Quinn’s ‘religion’
Children's Books

Complicated plots

2017 Young Adult National Book Award winner and finalists


A sobering look at the past with little hope for uplift


Coco offers a better and deeper message for children than the shopworn “be true to yourself”

A Christmas transformation

A heartwarming yarn about the origin of Dickens’ Christmas Carol reminds us of the rebirth we all need

A middle-school story

Predictable but engrossing Wonder shows a boy who’s trying to fit in

New or recent releases

Mary’s (and Isaiah’s, and Gabriel’s) song

Immanuel looks at the birth of Christ from different perspectives
Persevering saints

Persevering saints

Repressing Christians in China may be harder than government officials think

Sowing catastrophe?
The speculative science of geoengineering could pose a threat to the planet
New foul territory
An LGBT advocacy group wants to squelch Biblical sexual ethics in college athletics
Finding Jesus after the Summer of Love
50 years later, some former hippies still follow Christ
Epic opening
New Bible museum invites you to engage with God’s Word but won’t tell you what to believe