Nathan A. Finn | A federal judge says the 1972 civil rights law does exactly what it was intended to do
Maria Baer | When we abandon our conscience and the constable, chaos rules
Seth Troutt | And what Christians can do about it
William Inboden | Israel and Hamas reach a deal, but the agreement is tenuous
Clare Morell | A majority of Supreme Court justices seem to support a Texas law protecting children from online porn
Joseph Backholm | Democrats finally join Republicans in getting tough on illegal immigration
Erin Hawley | The Supreme Court will consider an incidental burden on adults to protect children from porn
Brad Littlejohn | Inconvenience in accessing porn is not a burdensome restriction to viewing protected speech
Bethel McGrew | The popular podcast host appeared receptive to a lengthy presentation of the Gospel accounts
Eric Teetsel | Trump’s vision displays an American spirit of exploration, expansion, and destiny