Daily news, interviews, commentary, and original features reported from around the world, delivered to you every weekday morning.
Illinois considers more oversight for private and home schools, protecting unaccompanied children, and the final voyage of a historic ocean liner. Plus, Jerry Bowyer on shareholder advocacy, a fishy livestream, and the Tuesday morning news
Breaking news coverage from a Biblical worldview.
The latest news in three minutes updated three times daily
In this narrative podcast, we tell stories creatively about interesting people encountering big ideas. It’s journalism plus storytelling, informed by a Biblical worldview.
Everybody knows you’re not supposed to bargain with God–but what if you do?
Walking alongside parents, educators, and mentors as they disciple their kids and teens through current events.
Free speech. Religious liberty. Where do these rights come from? We’re joined by WORLD’s Steve West to talk about our liberties and their origins.
An investigation into American poverty-fighting and the ministries on the front lines of helping the hurting.
Only the church can meet the deepest needs of kids in crisis
Season 2 of this true-crime podcast finishes the investigation into the case of Terri Schiavo, a brain-injured woman whose husband and parents fought a bitter legal war over her right to die or … right to live.
Even after Terri’s death, her legacy continues to play out in her family’s life…and around the world
Learn what you wish you already knew about our nation’s highest court. Hear how Supreme Court decisions directly affect you and your community. Meet the people behind the cases who are seeking to uphold freedom. Hosts and lawyers Mary Reichard and Jenny Rough take you to the scene, bringing the law to life for everyone––from appellate attorneys to high schoolers.
The Supreme Court considers questions of mitigating evidence and jury bias arising from the trial of one of the Boston Marathon bombers.
WORLD Senior Correspondent Kim Henderson investigates a shocking criminal case involving a minister who thinks he’s above the law.
Part 1 of a shocking story about abuse of power ... and people
Insightful interviews with popular musicians, Christian influencers, makers of movies and television, respected authors, and key political leaders.
In this stand alone special edition of Listening In, host Warren Smith talks with Christian actor Max McLean.
Long-form, immersive stories about God’s world and His redemptive work in it.
Her new book, Toxic Empathy, reveals how many who oppose the Christian Church use its compassion against it
Select conversations between WORLD's Marvin Olasky and people on the front lines of our cultural, political, and spiritual challenges.
Only with Jesus as his Master can a person find true freedom