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Intended for Evil: Episode 2

Intended for Evil: Episode 2

Radha Manickam and his family struggle to survive in the Khmer Rouge’s brutal work camps

MOVIE | Old-school sports drama that’s a little clichéd but (mostly) family-friendly

Marvel revamps, DC reboots, and franchises rule the big screen in 2025

Ericka Andersen | Why Joe Rogan’s podcast format points to the future for politicians


Court rulings and federal action support protections for women’s sports and privacy

Ray Hacke | Race should no longer matter in sports

A firsthand account of one soldier’s experience in WWII’s fiercest winter battle

Faith and fellowship fuel the Buckeyes through triumphs, trials, and touchdowns

Radha Manickam watched as the most totalitarian government in modern history marched into Phnom Penh on April 17, 1975