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Cal Thomas - Dirty tricks or criminal behavior?

New evidence of spying on the Trump campaign represents a new low for American politics

Canadian trucker demonstrations showcase the necessary balancing act for police

Russia claims troop pullback, gunmaker Remington settles with Sandy Hook families, jury rejects Sarah Palin’s libel case, and mask mandates continue to fall

Lawmakers consider making changes to the Electoral Count Act to avoid post-election disputes


Flap at West Virginia school shows religious assemblies at school are permissible if voluntary and student-led

Daniel Darling | Why the United States needs to keep its word to its Afghan allies

Russia signals openness to diplomacy in Ukraine, report details Clinton campaign spying, Trudeau invokes emergency order as Ontario eases pandemic restrictions, and U.S. bans avocados from Mexico

Government agencies are compiling lists of Americans who applied for a vaccine exemption on religious grounds