News Magazines for Christians | Vol. 33, No. 23 | WORLD
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December 8, 2018 | Vol. 33, No. 23

Beyond platform shoes

Marvin Olasky | WORLD’s 2018 Books of the Year


Marvin Olasky | SCIENCE: Our book of the year shows a worldview clash

Marvin Olasky | UNDERSTANDING AMERICA: Our book of the year focuses on the war for work

Mindy Belz | UNDERSTANDING THE WORLD: Profiling the Syrian war’s rebels, jihadists, and casualties

Marvin Olasky | HISTORY: Examining the Civil War, immigration, and other great divides

Marvin Olasky | ACCESSIBLE THEOLOGY: Finding true comfort, sustenance, and redemption

Marvin Olasky | Death, arrogance, grace, and taxes

Sophia Lee | In a California town struck by a mass shooting and a wildfire, stunned neighbors and churches offered comfort to one another

Emily Belz | A citywide reckoning with death in New York shows Americans may be ready to talk about a topic they once sought to avoid


Science fiction novels

From China to heaven

Eastern oppression and timeless wisdom
Children's Books

Proceed with caution

New novels booksellers are promoting to teens


Bad language and depictions of adultery mar an otherwise compelling series

Beautiful Boy

Story of a drug-abusing boy and his relentless father is painful to watch


A dog with an untraditional task provides fodder for a traditional family film

Criminal speech

The Crimes of Grindelwald isn’t a good movie, but it fits our thought-policing times

New or recent releases

Selective sets

A multidisc Imagine benefits more from slimming down than does a Kinks edition

Science vs. Darwinism

Challenging the evolutionary establishment

Will the U.S. use its economic weight to force respect for religious freedom?
Mobile learning apps could help workers or immigrants hone language and literacy skills
Surviving the most destructive fire in California history