Jenny Rough | WORLD
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Jenny Rough

Jenny Rough

Jenny is a WORLD Radio correspondent and co-host of the Legal Docket podcast. She is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute and Pepperdine University Caruso School of Law. Jenny resides with her husband Ron in Alexandria, Va.

Articles by Jenny Rough

Legal Docket - A supreme story of perseverance

Meet the first woman with a disability to clerk for the high court

Find out what it's like to work as a law clerk for a Supreme Court justice. In this episode, hosts Mary Reichard and Jenny Rough talk with five law clerks, plus a Marshal's aide, for an inside peek at what goes on when the court is not in session.

Since 1960, the Paralympic Games have given athletes with disabilities an opportunity to showcase their strengths

Religious Liberty and emerging LGBT rights clash when the city of Philadelphia excludes Catholic Social Services from placing children with foster families.


Paralympic athletes prove that disabilities don’t have to be disabling

Hosts Jenny Rough and Mary Reichard analyze an 8th Amendment case, cruel and unusual punishment. In 2005, Brett Jones killed his grandfather. He was 15. The Supreme Court looks at what is required before a juvenile can receive a life without parole sentence.

A Virginia book club reads the Bible cover-to-cover to discover a bigger narrative

A family of six completes a life-changing adventure

Boxing instructor teaches Parkinson’s patients how to beat back their condition

One lawyer’s concern for young inmates becomes the catalyst for nationwide reform