TRENDING | Twitter has made moves to remove child porn, but there’s still a lot of work to do
BOOKS | The former VP offers a defense of his public service
BOOKS | Queen of Crime gets a progressive makeover
BOOKS | A persecuted pastor defends China’s house churches
CHILDREN’S BOOKS | Stories of adventure, heroism, and friendship
MOVIE | A story with a needed message about love and kindness takes a disappointing detour into political preachiness
MOVIE | Dark comedy asks how the public should respond to news of a deadly virus
MOVIE | Well-acted, superbly crafted British musical offers a celebration of children and babies
MOVIE | Action-packed animation and a witty script help communicate the power of sacrificial love
MOVIE | Mildly creepy horror film delivers a stinging commentary about parenting and technology
MUSIC | Grammy nominees include worthwhile discoveries
MUSIC | Reviews of four albums