Mary is co-host, legal affairs correspondent, and dialogue editor for WORLD Radio. She is also co-host of the Legal Docket podcast. Mary is a graduate of World Journalism Institute and St. Louis University School of Law. She resides with her husband near Springfield, Mo.
Ron DeSantis pauses his presidential campaign and endorses Donald Trump ahead of the New Hampshire primary
The Supreme Court considers the extent of federal agency jurisdiction in a case about fishing monitors
Nicaragua exiles a Catholic bishop who criticized the government’s human rights abuses
Unless Nikki Haley wins New Hampshire, the GOP nomination is Donald Trump’s to lose
Houthis in Yemen respond to U.S.-led attacks with missile attack on an American vessel
Plus, highlights from the chief justice’s annual report and a case about the power of the administrative state
Plus, Lloyd Austin’s secret medical absence and China’s plans for Taiwan in 2024
The Supreme Court agrees to hear Donald Trump’s challenge to Colorado removing his name from its ballot
The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court protect state laws that keep abortion out of the emergency room
At stake in Moore v. United States is whether the government can tax unrealized gains on investments