Mary Reichard | WORLD
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Mary Reichard

Mary Reichard

Mary is co-host, legal affairs correspondent, and dialogue editor for WORLD Radio. She is also co-host of the Legal Docket podcast. Mary is a graduate of World Journalism Institute and St. Louis University School of Law. She resides with her husband near Springfield, Mo.

Articles by Mary Reichard
Washington Wednesday: Bringing debate back to defense funding

Washington Wednesday: Bringing debate back to defense funding

Republican lawmakers seek to return to budget legislation as usual with the National Defense Authorization Act

The Senate evaluates threats while Elon Musk unveils a company to research opportunities with artificial intelligence

Lawmakers in Germany vote down two bills aimed at legitimizing euthanasia

Hundreds of man’s best friend gather with their owners in Scotland to celebrate the 155th anniversary of the golden retriever breed


Lower court cases of a firefighter, flight attendants, and nurse practitioner fighting for religious liberty in the workplace

South Carolina will likely be a strategic player in the race for the Republican nomination

Minneapolis is the latest city negotiating a consent decree with the Department of Justice

A Vermont couple discovers a pair of racoons on their boat out on Lake Champlain

A federal judge’s injunction bars Biden administration officials from colluding with social media companies

Hong Kong’s crack down on political and religious freedom