Mary Reichard | WORLD
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Mary Reichard

Mary Reichard

Mary is co-host, legal affairs correspondent, and dialogue editor for WORLD Radio. She is also co-host of the Legal Docket podcast. Mary is a graduate of World Journalism Institute and St. Louis University School of Law. She resides with her husband near Springfield, Mo.

Articles by Mary Reichard

Washington Wednesday: Back to basics

Many House Republicans want tougher negotiations in order to break the cycle of omnibus funding packages

Ignoring the U.S. alert of a terrorist attack, Russian President Vladimir Putin failed to protect his people

The Supreme Court hears arguments about whether the White House crossed a line when pressuring social media platforms to suppress content

A three-judge panel of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals will decide what the U.S. Constitution allows for Texas


Farmers in Scotland find a pair of escaped porcupines in a nearby town

The House Oversight Committee continues looking for evidence of impeachable offenses against President Biden

Medical data is worth much more for sale on the dark web than credit card data

The Supreme Court hears arguments about statute of limitations in a copyright dispute and a challenge over bank card fees

Four students creatively complaining about schoolwork receive a reply 40 years later

U.S. adversaries use partnerships to weaken America and undermine its influence around the world