Mary Reichard | WORLD
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Mary Reichard

Mary Reichard

Mary is co-host, legal affairs correspondent, and dialogue editor for WORLD Radio. She is also co-host of the Legal Docket podcast. Mary is a graduate of World Journalism Institute and St. Louis University School of Law. She resides with her husband near Springfield, Mo.

Articles by Mary Reichard
Third strike

Third strike

A special counsel in Washington indicts Donald Trump on three counts of conspiracy and one count of obstruction for the events of Jan. 6, 2021

The Biden administration’s new SAVE income-based repayment plan is another attempt to forgive student loan debt

Trump faces a superseding indictment in the Florida documents case while Hunter Biden’s plea deal falls through

House lawmakers debate the perceived good, bad, and ugly of sex-change procedures for children


A road painter in Massachusetts gets letters out of order in a school zone road sign

A Louisiana man finds himself in hot water after making a zombie joke on Facebook. Plus, government overreach at a bakery and debt collection lawsuits

Republican challengers face long odds in their quest to beat the former president to the party nomination

Anti-trafficking mission IJM responds to allegations of kidnapping children during an operation in Ghana

Cases of religious liberty and freedom of speech in India, Nigeria, Germany, and the United Kingdom

A passenger airplane loses its emergency exit slide in midair