Tom Pfingsten | Homelessness is on the rise in San Diego as a ministry that helps the homeless struggles to keep its property from developers
Sophia Lee | A growing throng of addicts and impoverished people living on the streets of Los Angeles illustrates the nation’s massive, unsolved homelessness problem, but some ministries and caring individuals are endeavoring to be part of the solution
Gov. Cuomo should take a hard look at the lessons learned in the war on poverty
Sophia Lee | Grant Funk has lived the traumatic childhood he now sees every day among young people in Alaska
Layoffs expected this week as fewer refugees come into the country
Religious groups shoulder most of the care for those without a stable home
Tony Marciano talks about the life-saving work of the Charlotte Rescue Mission
The retired neurosurgeon has an opportunity to help and inspire millions who live in poverty in America’s inner cities
Senators look for ways to stop the classified ad site from sex trafficking children
Angela Lu Fulton | For at-risk youth at a Taiwanese Christian boys home, unicycles are character-building vehicles