Media | WORLD
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News from an echo chamber

News from an echo chamber

Erick Erickson | A herd mentality and growing intolerance make media outlets difficult to trust

Moving forward with gratitude

Allie Beth Stuckey | The socially destructive world of social media shaming

Jamie Dean | Joel Belz became a journalist with a desire to help Christians think Biblically about the news, even when the truth is unpopular. Decades later, he’s still pounding out columns and hoping shoe-leather journalism remains helpful—and even hopeful—in a divisive and difficult age


Our editorial staff must pass a rigorous three-part test

Efforts to rein in Big Tech’s reach could lead to silencing unpopular viewpoints

Whose responsibility is it to protect children from the harms of social media?

WORLD’s leadership and commitment to Biblically objective journalism

What’s so dangerous about teens’ social media addiction

A search for an editor in 1981 had long-term implications