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Christmas movie favorites

Christmas movie favorites

A few classic Christmas stories to enjoy with the family

PODCASTS | All About Agatha reviews and rates Christie’s 66 mystery novels

Bethel McGrew | They may seem like a grotesque carnival act, but parents should pay attention

Mark Hemingway | Why are journalists trying to downplay Elon Musk’s Twitter revelations?


Hunter Baker | Twitter’s bias against conservatives was even worse than we thought

Ted Kluck | Trying to remember the (happier, holier) world before the social media giant

A medieval metaphor can help explain Elon Musk’s new role

The changes at Twitter come during overall upheaval in the tech industry

The Babylon Bee’s Seth Dillon on how satire can advance a Biblical worldview

Seth Dillon | The left’s all-out war on satire is really a fight over truth—and every citizen’s right to speak it