Taliban takes last holdout provinces, Justice Department targets Texas abortion law, Palestinians break out of Israli jail, and Marvel breaks box office record
The effort to bring down prescription drug costs is harder than it should be
Taliban blocks evacuation flights, Louisiana cleanup efforts, coup in Guinea, and a terror attack in New Zealand
Administration says single-sex dorms based on biology are discriminatory
Latest developments in Afghanistan, flooding kills dozens in the Northeast, Texas heartbeat law takes effect, helicopter crash, and jobless claims drop to lowest level since the pandemic
Leah Savas | Justices deliver a major victory for Texas pro-lifers but stop short of threatening Roe v. Wade
Taliban parade U.S. military equipment, power returns to New Orleans, Texas abortion ban takes effect, California fire crews make progress, and a Navy helicopter crash
Lawmakers propose new limits on the president’s ability to deploy troops
20th century warnings for America’s future