Education | WORLD
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Harvard fails another test

Nathan A. Finn | The hypocrisy of the elites continues

Why do more and more Americans identify as religious “nones”? And how should Christian parents and educators respond? We’re using the SOAR method to break down a report from the Associated Press.

The presidents of three Ivy League universities face blowback for failing to curb anti-Semitism on their campuses


Nathan A. Finn | Vocation and the real value of a college education

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | Three elite university presidents refused to say that calls for genocide against Jews would violate rules for campus conduct

EDUCATION | Can “direct admissions” fix a college attendance slump?

Hunter Baker | Elite universities are proving to be a breeding ground for anti-Semitism

Anti-Semitic incidents around the globe have increased since the start of the Israel/Hamas war. What is anti-Semitism, and how should Christian parents and educators respond?