In Ordinary Angels, a struggling single mother uses her tenacity to help save the life of a child
CHILDREN’S BOOKS OF THE YEAR | In an era of library wars, our awardees for best kids’ books show that compelling narrative wins every time
CHILDREN’S BOOKS OF THE YEAR—NONFICTION | Co-winners tell of ancient seeds and an exploited elephant
CHILDREN’S BOOKS OF THE YEAR—FICTION | A boy finds life lessons in a mythological Greek hero
CHILDREN’S BOOKS OF THE YEAR—PICTURE BOOKS | An Arctic adventure and the search for things not seen
MOVIE | Angel Studios’ biopic about a Catholic nun’s dogged advocacy for Italian immigrants in the 1880s is well-produced but keeps its religious content vague
DOCUMENTARY | Four-part series spotlights an Argentinian soccer star’s blunders, triumphs, and humility—and his fans’ fanaticism and idolatry
MOVIE | An alcoholic single mom rallies her town to save a dying girl in director Jon Gunn’s latest faith-based film
MOVIES | Top films for the weekend of Feb. 16-18
MOVIE | The Peanuts comic strip’s first black character gets a touching origin story in a well-animated production about selfless friendship