Olympic athletes hold rally calling for international peace | WORLD
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Olympic athletes hold rally calling for international peace

Athletes hold flags before the start of the Olympic Truce Memorial ceremony in the Olympic Village at the 2024 Summer Olympics, Monday, July 22, 2024, in Paris, France. The Associated Press/Photo by David Goldman

Olympic athletes hold rally calling for international peace

Hundreds of athletes from all of the National Olympic committees, as well as the Refugee Olympic Team gathered in the Olympic Village in Paris Monday, sporting signs and banners that read “Give peace a chance.” International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach posed for pictures with athletes from Israel, Palestine and Ukraine, according to a news release from the International Olympic Committee. The event also featured the inauguration of the Paris 2024 Olympic Truce Mural, signed by Olympic leaders and athletes.

What is the significance of an Olympic truce? The tradition of peace during the Olympics stems back to ancient games in Greece, to preserve the safety of athletes and spectators. Every two years since 1993, the UN General Assembly has passed a resolution urging a truce among all nations ranging from seven days before until seven days after the Games. A total of 118 nations in November voted in favor of the resolution declaring the 2024 Olympic truce , and none voted against it, according to a news release from the the International Olympic Committee. Russia and Syria abstained.

A similar call came from the Vatican Sunday, as Pope Francis spoke at the Angelus prayer, a prayer that, in Catholic tradition, commemorates the mystery of Christ’s incarnation and marks what Catholics see as Mary’s role in salvation history. He noted the power of sports to unite people, and expressed the desire that the 2024 Olympics would serve as a connection point for athletes from different cultures, and facilitate a call for a worldwide cease-fire in keeping with the Olympic tradition. He urged hearers to pray for peace, and remember specifically those in Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, Myanmar.

Dig deeper: Read my WORLD Tour report on this year's emphasis on the inclusion of Olympic athletes who identify as LGBTQ and how that will affect fairness at the competition.

Catherine Gripp

Catherine Gripp is a graduate of World Journalism Institute.

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