Silver City is rated R for language, but audiences are likely to be dozing comfortably in their stadium seats before anything offensive reaches their ears
Sadly, the film doesn't recognize even the slightest concern about amoral behavior
Rated PG, Sky Captain is a mix of Indiana Jones, The Lost World, and Buck Rogers that's almost completely family-friendly
Although the cartoon doesn't break any new ground, many will find it more enjoyable than Disney's bigger-budget releases
This film provides some enjoyably tense entertainment-at least for those with a high capacity for suspended disbelief
There is a good movie in the concept, but this film isn't it
Quentin Tarantino's latest release will remind viewers of Crouching Tiger
The film tapped into the interest of local churches, and the video release is using the same strategy
The movie misses novelist William Makespeace Thackeray's insights into vanity