Movies | WORLD
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This imperfect but funny and touching film deserves more credit than it's likely to get

With so much more material, this Return of the King is, in effect, a different movie from the version that won 11 Oscars

While the film is in basic form a sort of thriller, it's mostly concerned with internal consequences

Sideways is a well-observed, sometimes subtle comedy-unfortunately it's also a miserable story


There's nothing great about Oliver Stone's story of the ancient Greek conqueror

A worthwhile film, but a much better book

The idea that historic sites and artifacts hold clues to a treasure trove holds a guilty-pleasure appeal

Most moviegoers will sit stone-faced through 80 percent of this disaster

Most notable in this vivid re-creation of Reformation history is the high-powered cast

Terminology in the Halo games ­borrows liberally from Christian themes, but the plot lines are what you would expect from Hollywood