Movies | WORLD
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Although a Christian view of love and marriage is missing, the film's characters are not as worldly as one might expect

Full of biblical imagery, the latest Keanu Reeves film is a muddled jumble of supernatural spirituality


Jamie Foxx gives a career-making performance as music great Ray Charles

The story is simple and slow-moving, but the focus on small details in an alien culture makes every scene captivating


Controversial films 'The Passion of the Christ' and 'Farenheit 9/11' won't vie for top Oscar honors

This PG-13 film is not Hoosiers: It's planted in today's urban culture rather than 1950s rural Indiana

Despite strong language and horrific violence, this film is a convicting yet uplifting entry point into the genocide that left 800,000 dead

A movie just about boxing couldn't generate this kind of attention, could it?

Without much profound to say, the latest film by Paul Weitz doesn't register thematically

The best and worst of Hollywood's Christmas season