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Faith up to bat

Faith up to bat

Baseball biopic The Hill starring Dennis Quaid is full of inspiration but leaves out an important chapter

MOVIE | Sports film inspires but falls into a familiar prosperity gospel trap

MOVIE | A surprisingly engrossing race-car film tracks a video gamer’s thrilling ascent to real races

MOVIES | Top films for the weekend of Aug. 18-20


MOVIE | A primate with superpowers searches for immortality in an animated retelling of a Chinese legend

DC’s Blue Beetle and Sony’s Gran Turismo offer amusing but predictable stories of teens with very different superpowers

Schoolhouse Rock! taught a generation how to multiply and turn a bill into a law

DOCUMENTARY | Grace Community Church’s two-hour film argues pandemic church shutdowns reflect a historical pattern of religious persecution

MOVIE | A reboot of the half-shell heroes boasts kinetic animation and a lively cast while playing gross-out humor for laughs

MOVIE | A meditative true story about a musician hopeful for fame drags at times, but carries off an uplifting finish