Kevin Martin | WORLD
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Kevin Martin

Kevin Martin

Kevin Martin is the CEO of WORLD News Group.

Articles by Kevin Martin
Doors opened and shut

Doors opened and shut

CEO NOTES | At WORLD, we strategize, but God alone establishes our steps

Weekly meetings over prayer and Scripture help keep our staff grounded

CEO NOTES | Our momentary light afflictions are no comparison to what God has given us

CEO NOTES | From our mid-career course to European and bilingual initiatives, World Journalism Institute provides instruction for a spectrum of aspiring Christian journalists


CEO NOTES | Young people are leading a Spirit-directed movement

CEO NOTES | At WORLD, we believe we can root for Christian organizations while standing independently of them

CEO NOTES | Our news coach’s new podcast aims to help you develop news literacy and Biblical thinking

CEO NOTES | Now with a formal chair, WORLD’s leadership body is working to chart a God-honoring course for 2023 and beyond

CEO NOTES | From office festivities to a year-in-review issue, our annual traditions serve as important reminders

CEO NOTES | God abundantly provided all we needed for our work in 2022