Kevin Martin | WORLD
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Kevin Martin

Kevin Martin

Kevin Martin is the CEO of WORLD News Group.

Articles by Kevin Martin
Planted in a small city

Planted in a small city

CEO NOTES | God providentially placed our organization right where He wanted it

CEO NOTES | WORLD aims to be a faithful steward of the resources God gives us

CEO NOTES | Explaining a few strategic changes to our Editorial Council in 2024

CEO NOTES | Meet the dozens of behind-the-scenes staffers whose work you make possible


Your partnership helps expand our Biblically objective reporting and analysis

CEO NOTES | I’m supremely thankful for my 20 years at WORLD—and for those who came before me

CEO NOTES | WORLD staffers find our periodic retreats well worth the wait

CEO NOTES | These strategies may increase the effectiveness of your charitable giving

CEO NOTES | As an organization, we have a keen interest in helping Christian journalism thrive

CEO NOTES | How do we stay informed without becoming obsessed?