Joel C. Rosenberg | WORLD
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Joel C. Rosenberg

Joel is a New York Times best-selling author and a former WORLD correspondent.

Articles by Joel C. Rosenberg

President Bush's approval rating, 57 percent, is the lowest since 9/11, says Gallup.

Giuliani leads incumbent Democrat in hypothetical Senate race

Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean says he's liberal and proud of it: anti-war, anti-Bush, and champion of socialized health care


A new book, Hatred's Kingdom, raises serious questions about with whom the Saudis are cooperating.

Bush outlines plans for a post-Hussein and post-Arafat Middle East

Might there be a silver lining to the dark storm clouds of war now gathering-a new chance for peace in a post-Saddam world?

Saddam Hussein called for suicide attacks, and now comes the chilling audiotape that U.S.

The United States and Israel face the most ominous threats since 9/11, warns Israeli Foreign Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in an exclusive interview with WORLD.

As war in Iraq approaches, Westerners in Israel start clearing out; meanwhile, anti-terror crackdowns in Palestinian areas create difficult, frustrating conditions