Joel C. Rosenberg | WORLD
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Joel C. Rosenberg

Joel is a New York Times best-selling author and a former WORLD correspondent.

Articles by Joel C. Rosenberg

Flashtraffic: tax cuts in trouble

More trouble could lie ahead for the Bush tax-cut plan.

Meet the inventor of the made-for-TV war: the Pentagon's Torie Clarke

When Attorney General John Ashcroft heads to Capitol Hill this week for budget talks, it will be his first time in public since the Iraq war began.

President Bush's tax-cut plan is in jeopardy.


Democrats hammered President Bush in the hours before Saddam's deadline.

Despite words from Democrats to the contrary, national support of the war against Iraq is strong

Approval of Bush and Blair increases

Congressional corridors and Washington e-mail in-boxes are rife with anti-French jokes.

Whose regime will fall first: Saddam Hussein's or Tony Blair's?

President Bush's faith in Jesus Christ is a hot media topic these days.