Jill Nelson | WORLD
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Jill Nelson

Jill Nelson

Jill is a correspondent for WORLD. She is a graduate of World Journalism Institute and the University of Texas at Austin. Jill lives in Orange County, Calif., with her husband, two sons, and three daughters.

Follow Jill Nelson on Twitter @WorldNels

Articles by Jill Nelson
Ukrainians protect their capital city

Ukrainians protect their capital city

First hand accounts of the preparations underway as Ukrainians brace for a full out attack from Russian forces

Adoptions for Ukrainian orphans are on hold amid Russian invasion

Jill Nelson | U.S. adoptions in Ukraine come to a halt as Russia invades and orphans flee

Ukrainians are preparing to defend their country against Russia’s invasion


Jill Nelson | Stern sanctions from the West have failed to stop the Russian invasion

Missionaries in Ukraine debate whether to escape ahead of a possible Russian invasion

Jill Nelson | The U.S. government and local authorities give conflicting information

Big investments across the region raise concerns about Chinese influence and intentions

As the U.S. moves out, China is moving in with soft diplomacy

Russian troop buildup on Ukraine’s borders sparks worry in the West