Bob Jones | WORLD
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Bob Jones

Bob is a former WORLD reporter.

Articles by Bob Jones

'Unmistakable hostility'

Bob Jones | Senator: "Some courts, led by the U.S.

Bob Jones | Liberals discover judicial restraint and join a unanimous Supreme Court in deciding . . .

Bob Jones | ECONOMY: OPEC pushes down gas prices for the first time in 2004, but other complex factors are at play-and experts predict they'll drive prices back up

Bob Jones | Mourners pay respects to a


Bob Jones | SAUDI ARABIA: Latest al-Qaeda attack has Westerners and Americans fleeing, oil prices spiking, and people wondering whether the House of Saud is a house of cards

Bob Jones | AD WATCH: Two new interest-group TV ads deliver shocking images but shaky facts

Bob Jones | EUROPE: As President Bush's approval ratings plummet, his European allies look on nervously.

Bob Jones | AD WATCH: Kerry's new biographical ad touts his military record-but not all of it

Bob Jones | POLITICS: Two-thirds of Kerry's Navy buddies, his "band of brothers," call him unfit

Bob Jones | TAXES: Unless the Senate acts, the so-called marriage penalty in the tax code will be restored-boosting average tax bills almost $400