LGBT activists push their agenda after Supreme Court decision
Marvin Olasky | Events in 1970 show us what could happen in 2020
Hosts and lawyers Mary Reichard and Jenny Rough take us behind the scenes of the Supreme Court as they talk with two advocates who have argued cases before the nine justices.For the next nine weeks you'll be hearing Legal Docket on The World and Everything in It on Saturdays. Episode 1 is available this week.We also release Legal Docket as a stand-alone series, and we publish new episodes each Tuesday. So if you want to listen sooner or help others find this program, you can subscribe by searching for Legal Docket on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or wherever you listen. Legal Docket is a production of WORLD Radio. Other podcasts include The World and Everything in It, Listening In, Effective Compassion, and The Olasky Interview. Support WORLD at
Plan promotes child well-being, jobs, and healthcare
Commission examines the state of human rights at home and abroad