Allie Beth Stuckey | Meanwhile, liberalism dominates America’s elite institutions
Winter weather, Texas rabi recounts escape from gunman, North Korea launches another missile, drone attack in UAE, and China’s falling birthrate
William Inboden | And how the United States should respond to the Russian leader
Omicron hits its peak, test kit shortage, terror attack at a Jewish synagogue in Dallas, Ukraine says Russia is behind a recent cyberattack
What accommodations does federal law require?
Justices strike down COVID-19 vaccine mandate for businesses, but not for healthcare workers
Erick Erickson | Democrats overreach to ensure they stay in power
R. Albert Mohler Jr. | The Supreme Court blocks the Biden administration’s “workaround” to require vaccines
Erin Hawley | The Supreme Court rules against a federal agency’s sweeping power grab
Supreme Court strikes down vaccine mandate, military personnel deploy to COVID-strained hospitals, rockets target U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, sanctions target North Korea, and punishing Prince Andrew