Erica Kwong | Amid political suppression, Hong Kong citizens find ways to commemorate the 32nd anniversary of the massacre
Taliban increasingly targets civilians and local forces
Plus: fetal surgery and the end of a long Christian persecution
U.S. commission highlights downfalls, some progress facing religious communities
Emily Belz | Top chess players from Iran are seeking asylum elsewhere, following a long history of chess talent using international events to escape persecution at home
June Cheng | Taiwan is a top destination for Hong Kong residents running from the new wave of Chinese authoritarianism
Jamie Dean | As Russia silences political dissidents, religious minorities—including evangelicals—find ways to grow during a chill
Mindy Belz | For refugees in a prolonged crisis, limbo in Turkey can turn to danger
As evidence mounts of Chinese genocide against Uyghurs, some call for a boycott of the 2022 Beijing Olympics
Crimes against the global Church proliferate under the cover of a pandemic