Director Agnès Jaoui turns our expectations on their head, both in character and plot development
Made for a measly $7,000, new filmaker Shane Carruth offers a lot of bang for the buck
Despite well-constructed scenes and attractive cinematography, this Nicole Kidman film is far from thrilling
These two intriguing family films prove to be the exception to often dismal direct-to-DVD releases
The Farrelly brothers latest effort falls short in both humor and romance
It's easy to compare Sahara to last year's surprisingly successful National Treasure, but Sahara becomes increasingly unhinged as the story progresses
Woody Allen may not have all the answers, but he does ask some of the right questions
Two young brothers deal with the loss of their mother and an unexpected cash windfall
The terrible results of sin seep into every part of the characters' painful lives
Enjoyably lightweight and occasionally stirring, Ice Princess escapes the obnoxious, teen comedy