This animated film offers plenty for adults to enjoy, but almost none of it is at the expense of the movie's intended audience
What this film lacks in gritty realism, it makes up for in audience-pleasing competence
Gene Edward Veith | "End of the Spear" depicts the agony-and mercy-in massacre aftermath
Andrew Coffin | Narnia gatekeeper Douglas Gresham isn't surprised by success
Steven Spielberg has his own points to make here, and he uses the film's fictional protagonist to reflect his own ideas
Peter Jackson and his Weta Workshop crew again set the standard for convincing special effects that integrate seamlessly with a compelling story
Whether you are a creationist or a Darwinist, having children and struggling to survive are what's "natural"
A look at how two new films confront the Middle East issue
Forget the remake and rent the original that starred Henry Fonda and Lucille Ball