Movies | WORLD
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Fastest Indian

For a movie about speed, some might complain that it is too slow

The story itself is kept very sweet and very simple, although the film features expanded characters and a more detailed plot than any of George's previous adventures

Harrison Ford isn't too old for action films, but the plot here is far too familiar

The real purpose of this movie is sheer, non-stop, slapstick comedy and Steve Martin delivers


The Hollywood awards season is useful first and foremost as a gauge of what the industry thinks is important

Emma Thompson stars in a film she wrote

A documentary of environmental activist Timothy Treadwell excels in its harsh reality

Since its release, it has appeared in several film festivals, including the International Family Film Festival, where it won finalist for best short film

Those with the patience to make it to the story's conclusion may be surprised

This animated film offers plenty for adults to enjoy, but almost none of it is at the expense of the movie's intended audience