Movies | WORLD
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The darker side of Tinseltown

An Open Secret is a troubling but appropriate Hollywood exposé for our scandal-ridden times

Christmas carols ring hollow in the innuendo-laden caper comedy Just Getting Started

The Last Jedi may signal changes to the established ‘religion’ of Star Wars

Woody Allen's Wonder Wheel is morally unserious and autobiographically unsettling


With Roman J. Israel, Esq., Denzel Washington and director/writer Dan Gilroy unpack a movie with broad Christian themes

A major league cast can’t save Justice League from a minor league story

A sobering look at the past with little hope for uplift

Coco offers a better and deeper message for children than the shopworn “be true to yourself”

A heartwarming yarn about the origin of Dickens’ Christmas Carol reminds us of the rebirth we all need

New technology and moral turpitude create a crisis for Hollywood