Kicker: TV Birdstrike | WORLD
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Kicker: TV Birdstrike


WORLD Radio - Kicker: TV Birdstrike

A meteorologist in Florida is startled by a pigeon landing on the camera

NICK EICHER, HOST: OK, we cannot say Florida weather is totally predictable, but come on, you can usually count on warm and sunny. Not many surprises.

But meteorologist Chelsea Ambriz of NBC-6, she got a surprise during one of her weather forecasts. She was on the video wall with a feed from the live cam near the beach, when suddenly a pigeon swooped in for an extreme closeup.

CHELSEA AMBRIZ: It’s a great beach day, looking at the sky conditions, a mix of sun and fair weather clouds—Whoa! Oh, my gosh, the bird startled me! There we go.

It flew right at the camera and the perspective made it look like the pigeon looked twice her size So she posted the blooper to Twitter and got lots of response.

AMBRIZ: I've got a lot of people that are kind of chuckling along with me. I definitely did not think it was going to explode like it has.

Explode indeed! It didn’t quite melt the internet the way Governor DeSantis did last week. But the pigeon video now has more than 100 thousand views.

REICHARD: Yea, but what happened to the bird?

EICHER: It just came in for a landing. It only looked dangerous. So I think we can say, no wildlife was harmed in the making of this story.

It’s The World and Everything in It.

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