Media | WORLD
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Mark Bergin | YouTube bans as inappropriate a video displaying violent verses from the Quran

Marvin Olasky | The year's worst journalism highlights unchanging nature of "mainstream" reporting

Mark Bergin | McCain-Feingold threats to internet speech incur bipartisan wrath

Joe Maxwell | Jerry Mitchell's reporting has brought both justice and healing to a divided state.


President Bush and James Dobson continue to be unfairly attacked for their Christian beliefs

Marvin Olasky | The two rarely go together anymore, but by following the Bible a Christian journalist can aspire to be a humble truth teller.

Lynn Vincent | 'Open-source journalism' changes te face of reporting and forces once-buried stories onto the national stage

Bob Jones | Attack ad by independent ­veterans group nails Kerry but could leave shrapnel in Bush reelection bid, too

Marvin Olasky | Why are newspapers discouraging open discussion of Islam? | by Marvin Olasky

Marvin Olasky | Falwell says he "should have known" 60 Minutes' segment on Christians and Israel would be a hatchet job, but that is no excuse for shoddy, bigoted journalism