Creator of The Chosen forms new production company | WORLD
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Creator of The Chosen forms new production company

A behind-the-scenes image taken during the filming of Season Four of The Chosen Image provide by The Come and See Foundation

Creator of <em>The Chosen</em> forms new production company

Dallas Jenkins, the creator of the multi-season television series that follows the life of Jesus, on Friday said he had formed 5&2 Studios to oversee the production of The Chosen and other television series set in the Biblical period. Jenkins publicly announced the formation of the studio during the first day of The Chosen Insiders Conference in Orlando.

What new shows are in production? 5&2 Studios is currently producing The Chosen Adventures, a 14-episode animated series that follows a young girl named Abby who lives in the city of Capernaum circa 30 A.D. The studio is also partnering with The Natural Studios to produce The Chosen In the Wild with Bear Grylls. The show will follow Grylls as he interviews cast members from The Chosen during expeditions into the wild. Season 5 of The Chosen is slated for release next year and seasons six and seven will follow to wrap up the series.

Which shows are in development? A three-season series following the life of Moses and a limited series about Joseph are listed as future projects. 5&2 Studios will also produce a series about the Acts of the Apostles that follows the early church after Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Dig deeper: Read Travis K. Kircher’s report in The Sift on filming for the show’s fifth season.

Lauren Canterberry

Lauren Canterberry is a reporter for WORLD. She graduated from the World Journalism Institute and the University of Georgia with a degree in journalism, both in 2017. She worked as a local reporter in Texas and now lives in Georgia with her husband.

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