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One Virginia candidate shouts abortion; the other whispers life

In the governor’s race, Democrat Terry McAuliffe hypes the issue while Republican Glenn Youngkin tones it down

Pro-abortion clergy attempt to use a Biblical text to undermine the Christian view of the sanctity of life

Some pro-lifers worry the heartbeat law in Texas, if struck down by courts, will ultimately result in a long-term loss for the unborn

Pro-abortion groups test a drug for women who don’t want to know they’re pregnant


The U.S. Supreme Court is weighing the right of the state’s attorney general to take up the case of unborn babies

Emotions and radical pro-abortion sentiment ran high at 2021 Women’s Marches

A U.K. woman with Down syndrome wants to overturn an abortion law that discriminates against babies with disabilities

The Republic of San Marino votes to legalize abortion until 12 weeks of pregnancy and later in some cases

Pregnancy center staff navigate a new normal under the state’s new heartbeat law

Pro-abortion court rulings undermine the wishes of country’s pro-life majority