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A Texas-like heartbeat bill in Idaho

Similar efforts have faltered in many states, but Idaho’s bill is on its way to the governor’s desk

Pro-life organizations work to neutralize a state-level version of Roe v. Wade

As the state works to become a pro-abortion sanctuary, pro-lifers work to expose the radical abortion agenda

England extends the program; Wales makes it permanent


Churches and pregnancy centers report an increase in volunteerism and financial support

Pro-lifers in the state hope that a 15-week abortion bill will elicit a lawsuit

Advocates for the unborn hope to unseat pro-abortion judges and a state-level version of Roe v. Wade.

Attendees at this year’s March for Life appeared bold and hopeful

Prenatal tests for chromosomal disorders are sometimes inaccurate and lead to abortions and shifting standards of care, reports show

After pro-lifers discover links between the school and Planned Parenthood, some students call for clarity from the administration