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A progressive pro-lifer risks jail time

The bodies of five aborted babies in Washington, D.C. could be crucial evidence in defense of pro-lifers

Legislators could quickly pass laws in response to an expected Supreme Court ruling

The White House’s options for counteracting a possible overturn of Roe v. Wade are creative, if limited

The suspension of a troubled Pensacola, Fla., abortion facility came only after two clients nearly died


The judge who ruled to prevent enforcement of the 1931 law also donates to Planned Parenthood

Young pro-life activists make a case for counterprotesting at pro-abortion events

Pro-life pregnancy centers are helping mothers in need, but many facilities have run short of formula themselves

Pro-life organizations see an uptick in violence following the release of a Supreme Court draft opinion in an abortion case

Pro-lifers pursue activism outside the political realm

The fight for life could become a 50-state battle