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DOD seeks to maintain soldiers’ access to abortion

But others say the Dobbs decision won’t affect military recruiting much

Action from the Biden administration has been minimal following Roe’s overturn, but some directives still pose challenges

Mississippi’s last abortion facility invokes a 1998 state Supreme Court ruling to block enforcement of protections for unborn babies

Officials give conflicting opinions on the legality of abortion in the state


Lawmakers and pro-lifers say they never thought they’d see the end of Roe v. Wade

Pro-life groups are preparing for an aggressive reaction to the Supreme Court ruling following weeks of vandalism

The bodies of five aborted babies in Washington, D.C. could be crucial evidence in defense of pro-lifers

Legislators could quickly pass laws in response to an expected Supreme Court ruling

The White House’s options for counteracting a possible overturn of Roe v. Wade are creative, if limited

The suspension of a troubled Pensacola, Fla., abortion facility came only after two clients nearly died