Pro-life groups are preparing for an aggressive reaction to the Supreme Court ruling following weeks of vandalism
The bodies of five aborted babies in Washington, D.C. could be crucial evidence in defense of pro-lifers
Legislators could quickly pass laws in response to an expected Supreme Court ruling
The White House’s options for counteracting a possible overturn of Roe v. Wade are creative, if limited
The suspension of a troubled Pensacola, Fla., abortion facility came only after two clients nearly died
The judge who ruled to prevent enforcement of the 1931 law also donates to Planned Parenthood
Young pro-life activists make a case for counterprotesting at pro-abortion events
Pro-life pregnancy centers are helping mothers in need, but many facilities have run short of formula themselves
Pro-life organizations see an uptick in violence following the release of a Supreme Court draft opinion in an abortion case
Pro-lifers pursue activism outside the political realm