Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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Court provides tough pill to swallow at FDA

Court provides tough pill to swallow at FDA

Erin Hawley | The 5th Circuit keeps substantial portion of District Court ruling in place that halted agency’s approval of chemical abortion drugs

Thomas S. Kidd | Title IX and the Biden administration’s plan to harm athletics

A.S. Ibrahim | It’s not just a hypothetical question. Ask Aaron Brooks

Carl R. Trueman | Big corporations fund the transgender push to erase women


Brad Littlejohn | Just war principles do not endorse the funding of perpetual armed conflict

David C. Innes | Reality isn’t always popular, but it aligns with truth

William Inboden | Recent intelligence breach is as peculiar as it is damaging

Steven Wedgeworth | The mutilation of children is monstrous and must stop

Jerry Bowyer | SEC denies America’s largest bank permission to stop a shareholder vote on its religious discrimination

A.S. Ibrahim | Why is Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque so important for Muslims?