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A civil war in the making

A civil war in the making

A.S. Ibrahim | Rival generals clash in Sudanese power struggle

John D. Wilsey | Charles Stanley remained steadfast in his commitment to the inerrancy of Scripture

Samuel D. James | Protecting the unborn is fundamental to the conservative mission, not an obstacle to its positioning

Daniel Darling | Will the YouTube star attempt to indoctrinate young children with transgender propaganda?


Andrew T. Walker | Rendering unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar requires reflection for believers

Brad Littlejohn | Defunding the IRS should not be a shibboleth on the right

Randall Wenger | Americans shouldn’t have to choose between keeping the Sabbath and keeping their jobs

George Yancey | BLM-type groups have raked in donations, but conservatives need to counter them by funding better ideas

Ericka Andersen | The Harry Potter author is willing to stand up for what is right

Steven Wedgeworth | Its global churches have a choice: contemporary revisionism or the “historic faith passed down from the Apostles”