The end of Davos Man? | WORLD
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The end of Davos Man?

Global elites lost our trust, and they know it

The annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, is wrapping up today, but in a very real sense the whole institution is wrapping up, too. The event is organized by a private entity controlled by Klaus Schwab, author of the stultifying guide to global top-down control known as The Great Reset. He convenes the world’s heads of state, central bankers, CEOs, and top status thought leaders annually, and they tell us what risks are on the horizon and how they will protect us from them. The implied social contract has been that if we obey these “masters of the universe,” they will care for and protect us.

It’s a 1 Thessalonians 5:3 kind of deal, “peace and safety” in exchange for freedom. But they make us an offer we should refuse. WEF’s prognostication skills are found wanting. A deflationary banking collapse was nowhere near the top of their concerns in 2007 before The Great Recession. The WEF did not tell us that a global pandemic was the big threat in 2019. It still wasn’t on the likely list even in January 2020, when the pandemic was already underway. Inflation did not appear on the top of their risk list until 2023, long after moms saw it on their grocery lists.

WEF’s prescience moves at the pace at which a busy CEO catches up on the past issues of The Economist that have been piling up on his desk.

And not only did they fail to foresee these various crises, but they also exacerbated them. The global healthcare elite’s lockdown strategy created a global recession. Then they turned to easy money to combat the recession that they caused from the shutdown that they imposed to deal with the pandemic that they didn’t see coming. That triggered the inflation.

But no worries. The rising price of goods shouldn’t matter because the WEF tells us (in a highly controversial video) that in the future, “You will own nothing. And you will be happy.” Meat prices going up? No problem, in our WEF future “You’ll eat much less meat. It will be an occasional treat.” Oh, and the United States will no longer be the major superpower, the video tells us, as it pans to a cluster of national flags with China’s in the center.

The fastest growing trend in global politics has been populist nationalism, a direct revolt against the agenda of the men who gather each year on Mount Davos.

Is it any wonder that this year’s theme for the conference was “Restoring Trust”? The fastest growing trend in global politics has been populist nationalism, a direct revolt against the agenda of the men who gather each year on Mount Davos and make grand plans for the rest of us.

The late Harvard political scientist Samuel Huntington coined the phrase “Davos Man” to describe the folks who gather there this time of year. Davos Men are “cosmocrats,” made up of “academics, international civil servants and executives in global companies.” These “transnationalists have little need for national loyalty, view national boundaries as obstacles that thankfully are vanishing....” Davos Man is post national and, of course, post religious. What passes for spirituality is Arianna Huffington teaching meditation classes to executives.

Perhaps it was an attempt to co-opt the global revolt that tempted Klaus Schwab to invite and personally to introduce Argentina’s new populist free-market conservative president Javier Milei. If so, it was about as foresighted as his other strategies. Milei pulled no punches. At the heart of the organization that told you that you will own nothing, he made an impassioned moral defense for private property. To the global ruling elite, he explained the appeal of socialism to “those who desire to be part of a privileged class” and attacked leaders with “a greed for power”. He declared that we “are endowed by our Creator with unalienable rights” and attacked “radical feminism,” “population control,” and “bloody abortion” as strategies that socialism has employed to deal with the social crises that it creates.

When a heretofore unknown from a third world country accepts an invitation like this and feels free to speak with such boldness, we know that we are seeing a new leader for freedom emerge, but also that we are seeing the old global elite submerge. Davos isn’t cool anymore. Milei knows it, the social media satirists know it, and even Davos Man knows it. If he asks for our trust, that means he knows he has lost it. Davos Man might just have made his first accurate prediction. Christians should consider something much better, The Christian Economic Forum, a deliberate counter to WEF, the members of which know the true master of the universe and who thus know to Whom we must turn for peace and safety.

Jerry Bowyer

Jerry is the chief economist of Vident Financial, editor of Townhall Finance, editor of the business channel of The Christian Post, host of the Meeting of Minds With Jerry Bowyer podcast, president of Bowyer Research, and author of The Maker Versus the Takers: What Jesus Really Said About Social Justice and Economics. He is also a resident economist with Kingdom Advisors, serves on the editorial board of Salem Communications, and is a senior fellow in financial economics at the Center for Cultural Leadership. Jerry lives in Pennsylvania with his wife, Susan, and the youngest three of his seven children.

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Scots WhaHae

“WEF’s prognostication skills are found wanting… the WEF did not tell us that a global pandemic was the big threat in 2019… not only did they fail to foresee these various crises, but they also exacerbated them… the global healthcare elite… the pandemic that they didn’t see coming.”

Mr. Bowyers rightly goes hard after all that is wrong @WEF, but there’s a big blind spot that needs clearing up about these wannabe “masters of the universe”…
+ They are not poor prognosticators.
+ They did not fail to see these various crises.
+ They did see the pandemic coming.

In fact, they planned all these crises.
Then they leveraged the predictable pain, fear and chaos to exacerbate the devastation, which made people all the more ready and willing to submit to radical new rules & oppressive regulations. In this way, they happily harvested more & more of the control they sought to harness.

They “never let a crisis go to waste”… especially a crisis they create. It’s brilliant, actually.

Doubters crying “crazy conspiracy!” need only consider 2 open-source samples of evidence, starting with the WEF’s own EVENT 201.
EVENT 201 (in an amazing coincidence) was held just one month before Covid-19 “broke out.” 201’s purpose is openly spelled out on their website with brazen baloney about their fictional scenario (wink wink):

“EVENT 201 — This training tabletop exercise is based on a fictional scenario. The inputs experts used for modeling the potential impact were fictional. It is a teaching and training resource for public health and government officials. The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.”
Even though their “exercise”’immediately became reality, we can all rest assured this was just a drill… just a “fictional scenario”… just trust them.

Notice the goals. Notice the players.
It’s a who’s who in the globalist zoo of elites who not only “TELL us what risks are on the horizon AND HOW they will protect us from them”… but they actually gathered @USA to plan the pandemic itself, AND the ensuing coordination of crushing global regulation, AND the pandemic’s miraculously-presciently timed release/unleash on the world.

This crisis of their making fulfills Gates’ God-complex and makes Klaus’ dream for a Great Reset come true.

Then, look at Dr. Fauci’s alarming, oddly prescient and perfectly-timed promise/prediction in 2017: “If there is one message I want to leave with you today, it is that there is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming (Trump) administration in the arena of infectious diseases — but there will also be a SURPRISE outbreak.”
Seems Tony didn’t get the memo about keeping a surprise a surprise. Oops!
Well now we know what he had in mind, but Covid was never a surprise to Tony.

WEF’s prescience, predictions & prognostication skills are all perfectly fine and finely tuned. They know exactly what’s coming and they know when… because they planned all of it down to the last criminally tyrannical detail @ EVENT 201.

We shouldn’t be naive, believing these elite-expert globalist game-planners are simply under-performing risk managers… nothing could be further from the truth. They know the risks full well… they just aren’t telling you.

That is, unless you can read between the lines at EVENT 201 and connect the dots to Dr. Fauci… where the risk is hidden in broad daylight.

Scots WhaHae

“In a very real sense the whole (WEF) institution is wrapping up…”

That’s an optimistic prediction.
I hope it holds true. but the odds seem very low, looking at the globalist vs nationalist battleground.

The mental image of the “Davos Man” meeting at Davos paints the wrong picture and skews the scope of the struggle… the Davos ARMY is more like it. THEY have 1000 villainous globalist villas outside Davos HQ w/ Davos soldiers controlling countless so-called “non-governmental” (UN, WHO +100) and governmental institutions and seats of power around the globe… including (most significantly) nations where notions of national sovereignty used to reign supreme as a venerated virtue… rather than the fear-mongering “far right extremist threat” slogan that pro-sovereignty sentiments have become @ USA, UK, EU.

Davos Man is just a drop in the ocean.
The sheer size and massive momentum of globalist’s coordinated control now bureaucratically entrenched in transnational governance tends to overwhelms any nomadic nationalist who enters the WEF ring to take them on. While the tide might turn, the record isn’t good so far.

Milei didn’t appear to pull any punches @ WEF, but my recent conversations w/ locals in Argentina all shared 2 common threads of serious skepticism: (1) they doubt he’ll be able to make any dent in the stronghold of corruption. (2) they doubt he really wants to.

Exhibit A: His first official stop was to go see Davos Man. It’s possible his sizzling anti-socialist speech was legit. And maybe Klaus was trying to “co-opt the global revolt”… but maybe not. It alls seems a little too fishy to them and it’s understandable. Davos doesn’t exactly seem like the venue for Klaus to be keen on “personally introducing” Milei w/ his anti-globalist gameplan..

Who is co-opting who?

I'm interested to see how Milei does... but the businessman-turned-populist politician hasn't gone well for his predecessors. Bolsonaro fled Brazil and Trump is facing jail time.

The 1st problem for a leader who promises to change things — but not in the government/bureaucracy's favor (“drain the swamp!”) is that the bureaucracy will organically oppose his policies and undermine his administration. The bureaucracy wants to eat more, not less… grow in power, not decline.

2nd the media @ “Trusted News” Initiative is a huge factor... they'll ignore the positive impacts of any populist’s policy and repeatedly spin gaffes and off-the-cuff remarks into culture war weapons. They provide pallets of artillery shells for a co-opted media, ready to fire for effect..

3rd there’s the people… who get disoriented in the media's hurricane of disinformation... otherwise clear-minded people start saying and advocating for things they never have and normally never would… all because of a media-manufactured hatred. They can even be convinced that policies and efforts explicitly designed to put their interests first are somehow "toxic” and terrible.

It would be encouraging to see at least one politician, seriously trying to solve the problem of bureaucratic dysfunction and outright corruption, achieve some measure of success... but so far in the modern era it's been a tough hill to climb.

If “the people” aren’t ready, willing and (most importantly) ABLE to see the merits of the national populist movement, then they won’t follow hard after the man stepping up and into in the ring to fight for their cause… because it turns out it wasn’t really their cause. Catch-22.

Globalist elites may have lost our trust, but they don’t care one bit… they don’t need our trust because they have all the power.

Having out trust is just a con game played by “experts” who fool people into thinking they have solutions to solve the crisis they created… so they can save us from themselves… in a Great Reset.

In this scam of global proportions, the “World” Health Org mandates EUA vaccines, the “United” Nations discriminates against those who don’t submit to their Marxist agenda, the “International” Monetary Fund won’t help you Build Back Better if you don’t fly the woke-approved flag of the day… and US/NATO won’t defend your frontiers if you haven’t admitted “climate change is #1 existential threat to mother earth.”

You know… “it takes a village” and “we’re citizens of the world” and “we’re all in this together”… until we dare to disagree.

I doubt it’s “the end of Davos Man”…
But if it is, it’ll be a great day.
Time will tell.
Watching with keen intereat.


Davos is just the tip of the iceberg. There is the Trilateral Commision, CFR, Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome, Bohemian Grove (geez, I hate to even bring that one up), and so forth. These authoritarians are meeting and scheming all the time, mostly out of public view. I think "fumbled" responses to these crises are generally planned that way, or are tests or trial balloons, and that they devise and initiate these same crises in order to necessitate a solution, which is always in the form of heavy-handed, top-down control.


Mr. Bowyer's excellent description of the elitists' response to the COVID pandemic and subsequent problems reminds me of the Cat in the Hat with his little cats A through Z to clean up the messes resulting from his "fixes". Seems to me that most problems gradually fix themselves if we keep those sticky fingers of government and regulations away. God created our immune systems and the universe very well.


Well said, Mr. Bowyer!


Those who seek to "manage" the problems in the World, will always seek to get together and hash out their worldly-minded and human-limited theories and solutions. So even if Klaus' Davos meeting goes away, there will be other meetings and discussions. Might not be in public so visibly, and therefore even more dangerous!

Scots WhaHaeYnotNOW

Spot on


The WEF is the international version of elites in our own country that tell us they can "fix things" simply by throwing more money at it, or if we only do things "their way" (which is often shorthand for ignoring anything that involves any kind of faith beliefs and morality of any kind), then we will be saved from ourselves. Only belief in and following the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ, through his full measure of sacrifice on our undeserving behalf, can save us from our selves.

not silent

We will always be disappointed if we trust in “kings and princes” (e.g., human leaders) to “save” us. This is true whether they are socialists or capitalists, globalists or nationalists, authoritarians or libertarians, or none of the above. The particular (and rather oppressive) form of globalism described here obviously won’t “save” us. It honestly sounds dreadful. But even a human system that promotes freedom throughout the world won’t save us.

I would definitely prefer freedom to oppression, but freedom can be problematic also-particularly if people have abandoned morality and “each person does what is right in his own eyes.” We have governments to maintain order, and thank God we do; but no political system works apart from the gospel. (Religious liberty is certainly desirable, but it’s not enough.) Only the gospel can save human beings, and the only real freedom comes through Christ.

Willynot silent

“…IN THEORY, we have governments to maintain order…”

There, fixed it. 👍


I had no idea that Milei was speaking at the WEF. (This is of course because while I've known about it for several years, I usually just ignore it.) But I will watch his speech when I have time.