Carly Mayberry | How Dennis Quaid redirected his life and career—and found a connection with Ronald Reagan
Kim Henderson | Amid a national hiring crisis and devalued college degrees, apprenticeships offer a debt-free path to meaningful (and lucrative) careers—and not just for the young
David L. Bahnsen | ESSAY | Recovering a Biblical vision for work means seeing it as God created it, not as a mere means to an end
Mary Jackson | Pro-lifers notch a rare win in California—but their fight against an “all trimester” abortion center isn’t over
BOOKS | A better framework for the “consent of the governed”
BOOKS | J.D. Vance’s memoir won the hearts of elites, until it didn’t
BOOKS | A look at the role of bookshops in U.S. culture
BOOKS | A mother takes down the IQ test
Eight books: Moral clarity and the lies of the world
BOOKS | Christian living, political theory, fiction, and more
BOOKS | Gavin Ortlund’s helpful—and charitable—apologetic
A plea for the pro-life movement
BOOKS | Evangelicals and Abortion argues that society must affirm the dignity of human life before pro-life reform is possible.
Zoological reads for middle graders
CHILDREN’S BOOKS | Nonfiction reads for young animal lovers
MOVIE | The Kendrick brothers’ latest film promotes Christian discipleship, but its tone is more preachy than moving
MOVIE | This tender story of a man and a lovable bird gives dog movies a run for their money
TELEVISION | A buddy-cop crime-solving series entertains viewers with a sunny, upbeat vibe
MOVIES | A look at upcoming September releases
MOVIE | Flawed characters and ethical quagmires mark a film about the final days of Holocaust architect Adolf Eichmann
Starflyer 59’s echoes of yesterday
MUSIC | Melancholy nostalgia fuels latest album
MUSIC | Reviews of four albums
Shakespearean music that doesn’t just gild the lily
MUSIC | Two new albums re-create songs of the Bard
Timeless testimony from the Middle Ages
MASTERWORKS | Medieval church bears witness to the faith that inspired it
A Christian philosopher’s path to truth
QUEST | Douglas Groothuis: Four books that shaped my thinking
SCIENCE | Is a plan to shoot owls mere cruelty or good wildlife management?
TECHNOLOGY | Regulators rule Amazon must recall third-party products
EDUCATION | Lawsuits push schools to rein in anti-Semitic protests
SPORTS | NFL players want media to leave their locker rooms
RELIGION | A trauma-focused approach to prison ministry aims to help inmates find restoration in Christ
BUSINESS | Court blocks new rules for special airline charges
COMPASSION | New research points to the power of social relationships
BACKSTORY | On showing up, grouchy bosses, and the (bad) advice to “follow your dreams”