Nick Eicher | WORLD
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Nick Eicher

Nick Eicher

Nick is chief content officer of WORLD and co-host for WORLD Radio. He has served WORLD Magazine as a writer and reporter, managing editor, editor, and publisher. Nick resides with his family in St. Louis, Mo.

Articles by Nick Eicher
Kicker: No long goodbyes

Kicker: No long goodbyes

New Zealand airport encourages shorter hugs in the departure queue

A dog walker sets a new world record to promote pet adoption

The Supreme Court considers San Francisco’s challenge to government overreach by the EPA. Also, fighting immigration visa revocations over “sham” marriages

Economist David Bahnsen breaks down Donald Trump’s tariff policies, critique of Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, and the financial sector’s performance ahead of Election Day


Katie McCoy on how media bias, gender identity, and abortion fuel ongoing societal debates

A candidate’s ability to raise money is only part of the equation for gaining support and winning an election

A California artist celebrates those who lost presidential elections

Beware of the wide-ranging ricochet from Missouri’s “abortion” amendment

When a nursery of raccoons becomes a legion, police step in

The Supreme Court considers how to classify firearms assembled from online parts and clarifies what is a “prevailing party”