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Articles by WORLD Radio

The World and Everything in It: September 19, 2024

Devices explode in Lebanon, lawmakers evaluate the Secret Service’s performance, and a conversation with historian Victor Davis Hanson. Plus, a concert in space, Cal Thomas on fixing healthcare, and the Thursday morning news

On Washington Wednesday, a survey of ballot questions; on World Tour, news from Uganda, Myanmar, Mexico, and Germany; and preparing astronauts for the challenges of traveling to Mars. Plus, the Wednesday morning news

Washington lawmakers propose a new funding process, NATO considers giving Ukraine longer range weapons, and a family in Alabama builds a private library. Plus, Daniel Darling on religion in Texas classrooms and the Tuesday morning news

On Legal Docket, religious organizations sue the IRS; on Moneybeat, presidential proposals for fixing the economy; and on the WORLD History Book, Mao Zedong gains control of China. Plus, the Monday morning news


On Culture Friday, worldview analysis of Tuesday’s presidential debate; a review of God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust; and on Word Play, the significance of a pocket book. Plus, the Friday morning news

Prevention and responsibility for school shootings, Riley Gaines recommends boycotting boys in girls sports, and religious persecution in Mexico. Plus, Cal Thomas on Tuesday’s presidential debate and the Thursday morning news

On Washington Wednesday, analysis of the presidential debate; on World Tour, news from China, the Philippines, Algeria, and France; and a flag display remembering 9/11. Plus, Brad Littlejohn on accountability for social media platforms and the Wednesday morning news

China halts international adoptions, religious persecution in Nicaragua, and families open lending libraries. Plus, a football team of twins, Candice Watters on parental stress, and the Tuesday morning news

On Legal Docket, Brazil bans the social media platform X; on Moneybeat, the presidential candidates and economic policies; and on the World History Book, Pavlov discovers classical conditioning. Plus, the Monday morning news

On Culture Friday, societal pressures on pro-life issues and family conversations; an anime version of Anne of Green Gables; and on Ask the Editor, WORLD’s balance of stories. Plus, the Friday morning news