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Articles by WORLD Radio

The World and Everything in It: August 22, 2024

Middle East policies and strategies, students wait for financial aid, and honoring veterans and their families. Plus, Cal Thomas on Democratic campaigns and the Thursday morning news

On Washington Wednesday, highlights of the Democratic National Convention; on World Tour, news from Afghanistan, Kenya, Pakistan, and Kashmir; and flight training with a mission. Plus, Janie B. Cheaney on Biblical joy and the Wednesday morning news

Foreigners phishing in American campaigns, parents fight religious discrimination in Maine, and visiting Israel online. Plus, Jerry Bowyer with a case against selling mifepristone and the Tuesday morning news

On Legal Docket, the transformation of a convicted felon’s heart and life; on Moneybeat, an analysis of Kamala Harris’ inflation policies; and on History Book, the first American Soapbox Derby. Plus, the Monday morning news


Culture Friday on the significance of Michael Brown’s death and Jack Kevorkian’s first public assisted suicide, a review of My Penguin Friend, and Casting Crowns celebrating 20 years. Plus, the Friday morning news

Ukraine surprises Russia with an offensive attack, Asa Hutchinson explains his plans for voting in the presidential election, and restoration after the wildfires on Maui. Plus, Cal Thomas on deterring protests on college campuses and the Thursday morning news

On Washington Wednesday, Democrats prepare for their national convention; on World Tour, news from Rwanda, Serbia, Algeria, and Colombia; and favela children in Brazil hear the gospel. Plus, a bear in the classroom, Hunter Baker on the state of Christian education, and the Wednesday morning news

Boeing and NASA work to retrieve American astronauts from space, American hostages in Gaza, and black voters who support Trump. Plus, Brad Littlejohn on using AI and the Tuesday morning news

On Legal Docket, securing religious liberty on a college campus; on Moneybeat, tax promises on the campaign trail; and on the WORLD History Book, three stories from the wild outdoors. Plus, the Monday morning news

On Culture Friday, the controversy over the Olympic Committee not protecting the women boxers; films that marvel at the created order; and on Word Play, the notorious history of a common noun. Plus, the Friday morning news