Nick Eicher | WORLD
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Nick Eicher

Nick Eicher

Nick is chief content officer of WORLD and co-host for WORLD Radio. He has served WORLD Magazine as a writer and reporter, managing editor, editor, and publisher. Nick resides with his family in St. Louis, Mo.

Articles by Nick Eicher

Kicker - Insect invasion

After 15 years underground, a horde of singing bugs is about to emerge

How will the 2020 census shake up congressional districts?

Arizona student raises money at a neighborhood stand to help buy food for hungry classmates

U.S. economy has surprisingly strong first quarter


The transgender revolution notches three significant victories

South Korean couple leaves their mark on a gallery display

WORLD Radio says goodbye to one of its own

It’s not the kind of road hazard most drivers expect

Will the best Josh Swain please step forward?

Noisy lawn equipment in on the outs in Burlington, Vermont